Our Policies


TQM Certification have been designed policy to assist client company to maintain a high level of compliance that are in line with the industry best practices. The certification solutions offered by our auditors and experts make sure that you don’t just get the certificate, but also receive the true business benefits. We don’t use those heavy and jargon loaded words in our procedures and implementations. Our approach is simple and easy to understand.


TQM Certifications Director, Manager and all staff involved in the process of certification of organizations fully understand the importance of impartiality in undertaking any certifications steps

  • There are no constraints that might influence decision making.
  • That it does not engage in any activity which could compromise its impartiality.
  • TQM do not outsource audits or any other certification activities.
  • Fair representation of stakeholders in TQM management Committee.
  • When potential any insecurity arise, TQM eliminates them. This process is monitored by the Committee to safeguarding Impartiality.
  • TQM take quick legal actions to respond to any insecurity or bugs to our impartiality arising from any external actions.
  • All staff shall act impartially and shall not allow any type of financial, or other type of pressures to negotiates their impartiality and have been instructed to complaint any situations.
  • The team for safeguarding impartiality shall periodically review conformance with the impartiality requirements of ISO 17021