

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a systematic approach to identifying and controlling hazards (microbiological, chemical or physical) that pose a danger to the preparation of safe food. HACCP seeks to control the safety of ingredients and supplies coming into a food business and what is done with them thereafter. The implementation of HACCP is a legal requirement for many American and most European food companies.

The HACCP plan, as a minimum, includes:

  1. Steps of control point
  2. Hazards and control measures
  3. Critical control points
  4. CCP limits
  5. CCP monitoring details (What, who, where, when, how)
  6. Corrective actions (What and who)
  7. Verification (What and who)
  8. Record details

Benefits to Business

  1. Reducing Risks and Hazards
  2. HACCP enables the producers, processors, distributors, exporters, etc, of food products
    utilize technical resources efficiently and in a cost effective manner in assuring food safety.
  3. Food inspection too would be more systematic and therefore hassle-free.
  4. HACCP reduces the need for finished product testing by identifying the hazards associated with
    the inputs into the process and the product and devising control measures which can be monitored in order to minimize or eliminate the hazards.
  5. Strengthen risk management controls across your food supply chain
  6. Minimize risk and protect your reputation


Benefits of Certification

  1. Improves the safety and quality of your product.
  2. Conformance to Legal and Regulatory Requirements.
  3. Systematic approach to meet the requirement for food safety.
  4. Demonstrate a commitment to quality processes and continual improvement
  5. Expanding Market To International Level
  6. Strengthen your brand and get access to top retailers
  7. Increased competitiveness & credibility
  8. Build Customer confidence



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