ISO 22000:2018


ISO 22000:2018

ISO 22000:2018
Food Safety Management System
ISO 22000 is a set of guidelines that help businesses to set out and manage a Food Safety Management System. The processes and procedures that a business implements through ISO 22000 will help them to identify, monitor, reduce and prevent food safety hazards at any stage of the food chain.
ISO 22000 is vital for businesses of any size that want to demonstrate they can effectively manage and control
food safety hazards and follow best-practice when it comes to food safety.

Benefits to Business

  • Reducing Risks and Hazards
  • Reducing downtime and the costs of disruption to food safety
  • Reducing the overall costs
  • Improve communications and processes around food safety throughout your organisation and drive continual optimisation across your supply chain.
  • Strengthen risk management controls across your food supply chain
  • Minimize risk and protect your reputation

Benefit of Certification

  • certification also demonstrates that your management system complies with the international standard
  • Embed internationally recognized Food Safety Management processes in your business
  • Demonstrate a commitment to quality processes and continual improvement
  • Expanding Market To International Level
  • Strengthen your brand and get access to top retailers
  • Increased competitiveness & credibility
  • Build Customer confidence

ISO 22000:2018

Original price was: ₹10,000.00.Current price is: ₹7,000.00.
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