ISO 9001: 2015


ISO 9001: 2015

ISO 9001 is the internationally recognized standard for Quality Management Systems (QMS). It is the most widely used QMS standard in the world, with over 1.1 million certificates issued to organizations in 178 countries.

ISO 9001:2015 is the International standard for Quality Management Systems (QMS).

It provides an organization with a set of principles that ensure focussed, informed, scientific and proven approach to the management of your business activities to consistently achieve customer satisfaction and continually improve operational effectiveness.

Every organization would like to improve the way it operates, whether that means increasing market share, driving down costs, managing risk more effectively or improving customer satisfaction. A quality management system gives you the framework you need to monitor and improve performance in any area you choose.


Benefits to Business

  1. Heightened Productivity & Results
  2. More cost efficient
  3. Prevent problems from reoccurring
  4. Boost your marketing and sales efforts
  5. Continuous improvement
  6. Improved customer satisfaction
  7. Improved record keeping
  8. Improve your control over the business

Benefit of Certification

  1. Improvement in internal system of functioning
  2. Access to new markets
  3. Build customer trust as third-party certification
  4. Independent of personal competency and high reliability on system
  5. To provide products and services that consistently meet customers’ needs
  6. To ensure it conforms with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
  7. Increased competitiveness & credibility

ISO 9001: 2015

Original price was: ₹5,000.00.Current price is: ₹3,000.00.
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